Avant Decor Affiliate Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance and Participation

  • Participation in the Avant Decor Affiliate Program is subject to approval. We reserve the right to reject or remove affiliates at any time without notice.

2. Affiliate Obligations

  • Affiliates must use ethical and legal means to promote Avant Decor, adhering to all applicable laws and regulations, including FTC guidelines on disclosures.
  • Affiliates are responsible for ensuring their promotional methods and materials do not infringe upon the rights of others, including copyright, trademark, and privacy rights.

3. Commission and Payments

  • Affiliates will earn a commission on qualifying sales that result from their unique affiliate links. The rate and structure of commissions (e.g., percentage of sale, tiered rates) are determined by Avant Decor and subject to change.
  • Payments will be made monthly, provided the affiliate has reached the minimum payout threshold.

4. Term and Termination

  • This agreement begins upon your acceptance into the program and can be terminated by either party with notice. Upon termination, the affiliate must remove all affiliate links and promotional materials within [number] days.
  • Avant Decor reserves the right to terminate the agreement immediately in cases of breach of terms by the affiliate.

5. Intellectual Property

  • Avant Decor grants affiliates a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use our trademarks, logos, and promotional materials for the purpose of the affiliate program. These materials must not be altered or used in a misleading manner.

6. Liability

  • Avant Decor will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages resulting from affiliate participation in the program.
  • Affiliates agree to indemnify [Your Company Name] against any claims arising from their promotional activities.

7. Modification of Terms

  • Avant Decor reserves the right to update and change the terms of the affiliate program at any time. Affiliates will be notified of significant changes and continued participation in the program signifies acceptance of these changes.

8. Governing Law

  • This agreement shall be governed by the laws of New Jersey, without regard to its conflict of laws principles.

9. Miscellaneous

  • This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between Avant Decor and the affiliate. It supersedes all prior agreements and communications.